随着社会经济文化的发展,视频终端(video display terminal,VDT)在我们生活中几乎不可缺少,而长时间使用引起的计算机视觉综合征(computer vision syndrome,CVS)使人眼发生视疲劳、眩光失能等一系列主、客观视功能的改变。本文归纳近年来VDT视觉质量及机制方面的研究进展做一综述。
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With the development of society, economy and culture video display terminal(VDT) is almost indispensable in our life.Related to long time computer use, people are experiencing a variety of ocular symptoms called the computer vision syndrome (CVS).It causes series of objective and subjective visual function changes,such as asthenopia and glare disability(GD).This article sums up researches in recent years to summarize the progress about visual quality and mechanism on VDT.