目的:探讨玻璃体切割术(pars plana vitrectomy,PPV)联合人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)巩膜固定术治疗眼外伤的疗效。 方法:系列病例回顾性分析。将马来西亚大学医学中心接受PPV联合IOL巩膜固定术的8例连续性病例纳入研究,其中1例患者双眼均受伤,共有9眼。对现阶段视力,手术技巧,并发症及术后疗效进行分析。 结果:9眼中有8眼(89%)视力提高。术后主要并发症是眼压升高,无缝线破裂。 结论:PPV联合IOL巩膜固定术对有眼外伤病史的患者有非常好的疗效。
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AIM: To determine the efficacy of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with primary scleral fixated intraocular lens (IOL) in patients with ocular trauma. METHODS: A retrospective case series descriptive study. A consecutive 8 patients of ocular trauma which underwent combined PPV with primary scleral fixated IOL at the University Malaya Medical Centre were reviewed. One patient had bilateral injury making it 9 eyes for analysis. The presenting visual acuity, technique of surgery, complications and outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: Vision improved in 8 out of the 9 eyes (89%). The major postoperative complication noted was an elevated intraocular pressure while suture breakage was not noted in our series. CONCLUSION: Combined PPV and sutured IOL has a good outcome in eyes with history of trauma.