目的:初步探讨环孢霉素A(CsA)对葡萄膜炎中IL-17+细胞的作用机制。 方法:抽取HLA-B27阳性葡萄膜炎患者外周血,同时建立正常人为对照组,分离外周血单核细胞,体外培养,并加入不同浓度CsA,通过ELISA检测不同浓度CsA对IL-17分泌的影响,通过细胞内细胞因子染色的方法检测CsA对IL-17+细胞活化的影响。 结果:CsA可以有效抑制IL-17的分泌,且随着浓度增高抑制程度增加;但是CsA不影响IL-17+细胞对CD69的表达。 结论:CsA可以通过抑制IL-17的分泌来实现对HLA-B27阳性葡萄膜炎的治疗。
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AIM: To preliminarily discuss the mechanisms of cycloslporinc(CsA) on the IL-17+ cells in uveitis. METHODS: Fifteen HLA-B27 uveitis patients with active uveitis were involved in this study. Blood samples were taken from these patients for analysis of IL-17. The levels of IL-17 in the supernatants of PBMCs from patients before treatment cultured without or with CsA at different concentrations were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Intracellular staining with flow cytometry was used to evaluate the expression of CD69 on the IL-17-producing cells in different groups. RESULTS: The results showed that CsA inhibited the secretion of IL-17,but it did not influence the expression of CD69. CONCLUSION: Our findings showed that one of the mechanisms of CsA on the treatment of HLA-B27 uveitis is the inhibition of the secretion of IL-17.
广东省卫生厅资助项目(No.B2010294); 深圳南山区科技局资助项目(No.南科卫2009015);深圳市科技计划资助项目(No.201102127)