目的:探讨超声乳化人工晶状体植入术治疗糖尿病患者白内障的疗效观察。 方法:糖尿病患者白内障80例106眼,施行透明角膜切口白内障超声乳化及折叠式人工晶状体植入,观察手术并发症及术后视力、切口愈合情况。 结果:所有患者手术顺利,均Ⅰ期植入晶状体在囊袋内。术后3mo,裸眼视力≤0.1者6眼(5.7%),0.2~0.5者28眼(26.4%), 0.6~1.0者72眼(67.9%)。术后无感染,切口愈合良好。 结论:超声乳化折叠人工晶状体植入术是治疗糖尿病患者白内障安全的、有效的方法。
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AIM:To discuss clinical therapeutic effectiveness of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOL) implantation on diabetic cataract patients. METHODS:Totally 80 cases (106 eyes) of diabetic cataract patients underwent phacoemulsification and foldable IOL implantation through temporal transparent cornea incision.The postoperative complications, visual acuity and incision healing were observed. RESULTS:All operations were finished successfully with primary IOL implantation in capsule.3 months after operation the naked eyesvision≤0.1 were in 6 eyes(5.7%),0.2-0.5 in 28 eyes (26.4% ), 0.6-1.0 in 72 eyes (67.9%).There was no bleeding during operation and no infection after operation. CONCLUSION: It is safe and efficient to treat diabetic cataracts with phacoemulsification combined with foldable IOL implantation.