目的:探讨结膜下出血的临床特点及致病诱因。 方法:选择103例眼科门诊结膜下出血患者,对结膜下出血患者年龄、性别、用药史、眼部疾病史、出血范围、部位进行观察和分析。 结果:所有患者随年龄增长结膜下出血发病率增加,41~50岁及61~70岁是结膜下出血的两个高发年龄段(0~10岁:5例,11~20岁:5例,21~30岁:10例,31~40岁:15例,41~50岁:24例,51~60岁:14例,61~70岁:24例,71~80岁:5例,80岁以上:1例)。青年患者(≤40岁)18例(51.4%)是由于外伤导致结膜下出血;老年患者(>60岁)结膜下出血中17例(56.7%)患有高血压。结膜下出血常见于球结膜颞侧(45.6%),外伤性结膜下出者球结膜颞侧占50.0%。夏季结膜下出血患者43例(41.7%)。 结论:结膜下出血随年龄增长而多发,常见于41~50岁及61~70岁年龄组。夏季是结膜下出血的高发季节;结膜下出血多位于颞侧结膜下,尤以外伤性结膜下出血为著。外伤是年轻患者结膜下出血的主要原因,而高血压是老年患者结膜下出血的主要诱因。
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AIM:To investigate the clinical characters and causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage(SCH). METHODS: A total of 103 patients with SCH aged 0-83 years were studied. The conjunctiva was divided into 10 equal areas. The age, gender, medical history, ocular disease history and site of subconjunctival hemorrhage were determined for all subjects. RESULTS:The number of patients involved by SCH showed an age-related increase. The number of patients with SCH increased markedly in 41-50 years of age and 61-70 years of age(0-10 years:5 patients,11-20 years:5 patients,21-30 years:10 patients, 31-40 years:15 patients, 41-50 years:24 patients, 51-60 years:14 patients, 61-70 years:24 patients, 71-80 years:5 patients, and over 80 years:1patient). The number of patients with traumatic SCH was 18 patients(54.1%) in less than 40 years of age, the number of patients with SCH by hypertension was 17 patients(56.7%) after the age of 60 years. Overall SCH was significantly more common in the temporal areas than other areas (45.6%). However the temporal areas were affected more often in traumatic SCH (50.0%). Summer subconjunctival hemorrhage was in 43 patients (41.7%). CONCLUSION: SCH showed an age-related increase in extent and was predominant in the temporal areas. However traumatic SCH was usually detected as localized hemorrhage in the temporal areas. The peak season for SCH was summer in all age groups. The trauma is the main reason in the younger group(≤40 years), but hypertension was the major risk factor in the older group(>60 years ).