目的:研究适合中原人眼的Moria M2旋转式角膜板层刀有关参数的选择,以制作理想的角膜瓣。 方法:收集2009-11/2012-02在邢台市眼科医院准分子激光近视治疗科行LASIK的近视患者300例594眼,均来自中原地区,其中男154例305眼(51.35%),女146例289眼(48.65%)。术前平均角膜曲率40~47D,手术制瓣应用法国Moria公司生产的M2旋转式角膜板层刀,对于不同的角膜曲率、采用不同的吸环和刀止位置情况下进行制瓣,分别测量角膜直径、角膜瓣直径和蒂的宽度,并对其进行比较。数据采用SPSS 13.0统计软件,进行两样本均数比较的t检验。 结果:患者来源分布:河北邢台101例(33.67%)、河北邯郸56例(18.67%)、山东聊城31例(10.33%)、山西长治23例(7.67%)、河南安阳48例(16.00%)、河南濮阳16例(5.33%)、河南鹤壁25例(8.33%)。角膜直径平均值为11.35±0.25mm,角膜瓣直径平均为8.83±0.47mm,角膜瓣蒂宽平均为4.28±0.82mm。蒂宽度与角膜瓣直径均呈正相关(r=0.732,P<0.05)。在相同曲率和刀止位置的情况下,角膜瓣的直径与蒂的宽度呈正相关(r=0.672,P<0.05),角膜瓣的直径和吸环号呈负相关(r=-0.865,P<0.05)。在相同吸环和刀止位置的情况下,角膜瓣的直径和角膜曲率呈正相关(r=0.785,P<0.05),蒂的宽度和角膜曲率呈正相关(r=0.659,P<0.05)。在相同曲率和吸环的情况下,蒂的宽度和刀止位置呈负相关(r=-0.887,P<0.05)。 结论:中原人角膜普遍较外国人小,LASIK手术时可参考适合中原人眼的Moria M2角膜板层刀的数据表。
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AIM:To study the choice of parameters about Moria M2 microkeratome suitable for the Central Plains people,and to produce the desired corneal flap. METHODS:Totally 300 cases (594 eyes) with myopia from November 2009 to February 2012 in Xingtai Eye Hospital excimer laser treatment of myopia department were collected,which were conducted LASIK and came from the Central Plains region. 154 cases (305 eyes) were male (51.35%); 146 cases (289 eyes) were female (48.65%). The mean preoperative corneal curvature ranged from 40D to 47D. Corneal flap were made with Moria M2 in different curvature of the cornea, suction ring and stop position ,and corneal diameter, diameter of the corneal flap and pedicle width were measured to compare. The data were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 statistical software, two-sample mean comparison t test. RESULTS: Patient’s distribution: Hebei Xingtai 101 cases(33.67%), Hebei Handan 56 cases(18.67%), Shandong Liaocheng 31 cases(10.33%), Shanxi Changzhi 23 cases (7.67%), Henan Anyang 48 cases(16.00%), Henan Puyang 16 cases(5.33%), Henan Hebi, 25 cases(8.33%). Corneal diameter on average was 11.35±0.25mm,corneal flap diameter on average was 8.83±0.47mm, corneal flap pedicle width on average was 4.28±0.82mm. Pedicle width and diameter of the corneal flap showed a positive correlation. In the case of the same curvature and stop position of blade, corneal flap diameter was positively correlated with width of the pedicle, and was negatively correlated with suction ring (P <0.05). In the case of the same suction ring and stop position of blade, corneal flap diameter and pedicle width with curvature were positively correlated (P<0.05). In the case of the same curvature and the suction ring, pedicle width and stop position of blade were negatively correlated (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:The cornea diameter of Central Plains people is generally smaller than the foreigners, we could reference to data table suitable for the Central Plains people when we conduct LASIK with Moria M2 microkeratome.