目的:评价眼睑恶性肿瘤切除术后采用自体硬腭黏膜移植联合眶周皮瓣进行眼睑再造的临床效果。 方法:患者10例10眼行眼睑恶性肿瘤切除术后重度眼睑缺损,采用硬腭黏膜移植替代眼睑后层,即睑板和睑结膜层,利用眶周皮瓣修复眼睑前层。 结果:术后随访6~12mo,眼睑外观及功能基本恢复正常。硬腭黏膜移植片及转移皮瓣全部成活,无感染、移位、挛缩。 结论:自体硬腭黏膜移植联合眶周皮瓣转移修复全层眼睑缺损,效果肯定。
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AIM:To investigate the outcome of combining grafting of hard palate mucosa and orbicularis musculocutaneous flap in the reconstruction of full-thickness eyelid defects caused by eyelid malignant tumor. METHODS:For all 10 cases (10 eyes) with medium to severe full-thickness eyelid defects larger than or equal to the 1/2 full length of eyelid,oral hard palate mucosa grafting plates were used to substitute tarsal plates and conjunctivas and reconstruct posterior layer eyelids;orbicularis musculocutaneous flaps were transferred to cover the hard palate mucosa and substitute the defected eyelid skin and muscle layer and reconstruct anterior layer eyelids. RESULTS: All cases were followed up for more than 6 to 12 months.Appearance of eyelids and functional improvements were satisfactory.The hard palate mucosa grafting plates and their transfer flaps survived without untoward effects of contraction, dislocation, infection or necrosis. CONCLUSION:Combining grafting of hard palate mucosa and orbicularis musculocutaneous flap can repair full-thickness eyelid defects as a one-stage operation with definite and good outcome.