目的:探讨带蒂结膜瓣移植联合丝裂霉素治疗翼状胬肉合并结膜松弛症的疗效。 方法:对翼状胬肉合并结膜松弛症患者122例156眼进行翼状胬肉切除,下方带蒂结膜瓣移植联合术中使用0.2g/L丝裂霉素C。 结果:患者122例156眼术后2mo眼部症状有不同程度改善。泪河恢复正常者136眼(87.18%);泪膜破裂时间(BUT)≥10s者117眼(75.00%);裂隙灯显微镜检查眼球与下睑缘、内外眦部之间无松弛结膜皱褶者147眼(94.23%);下睑缘位置正常者142眼(91.03%)。手术后观察6mo~4a,胬肉复发5眼(3.21%),结膜松弛复发15眼(9.62%)。 结论:翼状胬肉切除术中,下方带蒂结膜瓣移植联合术中使用丝裂霉素C治疗翼状胬肉合并结膜松弛症,手术简单易行,取材容易,安全可靠,损伤小,并发症少,复发率低,适合临床开展。
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AIM:To study the effect of pedicled conjunctival transplantation combined with mitomycin C(MMC) for the treatment of pterygium complicated with conjunctivochalasis. METHODS: Totally 122 cases (156 eyes) of pterygium complicated with conjunctivochalasis were treated with pterygium excision and pedicled inferior conjunctival transplantation with intraoperative 0.2g/L MMC. RESULTS:All the 122 cases(156 eyes) had different degree of improvement on ocular symptoms 2 months after operation. Lacrimal river was normal in 136 eyes (87.18%);tear film break time (BUT) was more than 10 seconds in 117 eyes (75.00%); the conjunctival relaxed fold was free between the eyeball and inferior eyelid margin, internal and external canthus in 147 eyes (94.23%) under slit-lamp microscope; the eyelid margin location was normal in 142 eyes (91.03%).With the postoperative observation of 6 months to 4 years, 5 eyes had pterygium recurrence, the relapse rate was 3.21%;15 eyes had conjunctivochalasis recurrence, the relapse rate was 9.62%. CONCLUSION:Pterygium excision and pedicled inferior conjunctival transplantation combined with MMC for the treatment of pterygium complicated with conjunctivochalasis is easy with operation and materials, safe and reliable, which has little damage, fewer complications and lower recurrence rate, suitable for clinical promotion.