目的:总结眶内非金属异物的临床特征及诊治方法。 方法:回顾性系列病例研究。收集2005/2011年眶内异物患者资料16例,总结临床表现、影像学征象、治疗与随访结果。 结果:患者16例中13例接受眶内异物取除术,11例一次手术取出异物及周围腐烂组织(其中2例眶-颅异物与神经外科合作完成)。术后6mo随访,伤口愈合良好,症状改善,未见与手术相关并发症。 结论:眶内异物病情复杂 ,处置不当易致诸多并发症。CT为首选检查方法。正确认识病史及临床表现,运用恰当的手术技巧,彻底清除异物,预后良好。
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AIM:To evaluate the clinical features,diagnostic methods and treatment of intraorbital foreign body injuries. METHODS:In a retrospective study, the records of 16 consecutive cases with foreign bodies in the orbit were analyzed with special attention to clinical manifestations,imaging findings,treatment and follow-up results. RESULTS: Of all the cases, 13 cases underwent surgical removal of retained foreign bodies and the surrounding decomposed tissues,11 cases were successful. The wounds or incisions healed well.After follow-up for 6 months,all wounds healed normally and all patients recovered wel1.No complications were encountered. CONCLUSION: The clinical manifestations of these different foreign bodies are complex and many complications may occur if they were mishandled. CT is the preferred examination for this condition.With the combination of correct diagnosis, proper surgical skills,and complete removal of foreign bodies and surrounding decomposed tissues,foreign bodies can be treated efficiently.