目的:研究有晶状体眼后房散光型人工晶状体(TICL)矫正中高度近视散光的有效性及安全性。 方法:对20例32眼中高度近视散光患者行TICL植入术。术前近视-2.00~-24.00(平均-11.33±4.93)D;散光-1.25~6.00(平均-2.13±1.26)D。随访3~12mo,观察角膜、前房、眼压、晶状体,并行Pentacam眼前节全景分析仪检查和充分散瞳后通过裂隙灯观察TICL轴位的旋转度数。 结果:所有患者术后视力恢复理想,均达到脱镜的效果。术后12mo,人工晶状体(IOL)旋转5.47°±3.37°,旋转5°以内者占75.0%。5眼术后4h眼压一过性升高,2例3眼诉夜间眩光,未发现晶状体混浊、青光眼者。 结论:TICL治疗高中度近视散光,近期临床效果有效、可靠,随访期间未发现手术并发症,远期疗效尚需进一步观察。
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AIM:To study the effectiveness and safety of toric implantable collamer lens (TICL) for high myopic astigmatism. METHODS:TICL were implanted in 20 cases (32 eyes) with high myopic astigmatism. The range of preoperative myopia was -2.00 to -24.00D, mean -11.33±4.93D. Astigmatism range was -1.25 to 6.00D, mean -2.13±126D. All eyes were followed up for 3-12 months. Each eye that received TICL implantation did Pentacam examination and observation on intraocular pressure(IOP), the rotation of TICL et al . RESULTS:The mean absolute rotation 12 months postoperatively was 5.47±3.37 degrees,75.0% of eyes rotated less than 5 degrees. 5 eyes had increased IOP shortly after surgery. Dazzling sensation occurred in 2 cases (3 eyes). No severe complications including cataract or glaucoma occurred. CONCLUSION:The short term clinical outcome of TICL for high myopic astigmatism is effective and reliable and no complications occurred during the observation period. The long term clinical outcome needs to observe.