各种原因引起的角膜内皮细胞损害,致角膜内皮失代偿,产生角膜基质水肿、上皮下水肿,最终形成的大泡性角膜病变(bullous keratopathy,BK)已成为常见的致盲性角膜病。而BK并非一种独立的疾病,往往与其他多种眼病同时存在,使其更加不易治疗。近年来,除了临床常用的药物及传统的手术方式外,学者们还积极开发新的角膜层间术式,拓展羊膜在手术中的应用及其复合术式;对角膜内皮细胞移植术及体外培养角膜内皮细胞移植的不断探索和发展,在临床和研究上都取得了一定的进展。本文就BK的临床治疗和研究进展作一综述。
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Bullous keratopathy(BK) has become a common corneal disease which can lead to blind. BK is the last phase condition of endothelial decompensation. Because of corneal endothelial damage, the corneal edema developed, associated with bubbles in the epithelium. It is increasingly observed accompanied with other eye diseases, such as some intraocular surgeries, ocular trauma and endophthalmitis, so that it is difficult to treat. In recent years, many surgical methods have been developed along with clinical medications and traditional operation methods. Clinical research of exploiting intralamellar surgery of cornea, expanding amniotic membrane transplantation(AMT) and AMT with other operation methods have been realized successfully. There are corneal endothelial transplantation and culturing the corneal endothelium which offer considerable theoretical advantages over penetrating keratoplasty(PKP) in treatment of endothelial dysfunction and are being practiced and evaluated clinically. Available literature related to BK, clinical treatments and research advances are reviewed in this article.