目的:探讨有晶状体眼Verisyse人工晶状体植入术矫正超高度近视眼的有效性、安全性及可预测性。 方法:超高度近视眼患者10例13眼植入Verisyse人工晶状体。术后观察患者的视力、屈光度数、眼压、角膜内皮细胞计数、对比敏感度、晶状体位置、眩光敏感度、手术并发症及视觉不良症状。 结果:术后患者裸眼视力及最佳矫正视力均有明显的提高。术后3mo及术后1a患者最佳矫正视力≥0.5者占100%,患者最佳矫正视力≥0.8者占85%。患者术后屈光度稳定,术后1mo~1a,屈光状态变化无明显差异。患者术后1a内各时间点眼压均无明显异常升高。术后角膜内皮计数均有所下降,但其差异无统计学意义。术后3mo时,各频段对比敏感度和眩光敏感度较术前均明显提高。Verisyse人工晶状体与角膜内皮和晶状体均保持了有效的安全距离。术后3mo时,2眼可见Verisyse人工晶状体表面炎性反应物沉积,1眼瞳孔呈轻度椭圆形。患者均无明显不适,满意程度较高。 结论:Verisyse人工晶状体矫正超高度近视眼具有良好的有效性、安全性及可预测性,是补充角膜屈光手术不足的有效眼内屈光手术,但其远期效果有待进一步观察。
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AIM:To evaluate the efficacy, safety, and predictability of the implantation of Verisyse phakic iris-fixated intraocular lens(IOL) for the correction of severe myopia. METHODS:In this prospective study, 10 cases (13 eyes) with myopia at -15.00~-24.50 dioperts (D) were implanted with Verisyse phakic iris-fixated intraocular lens. Visual acuity, refraction, intraocular pressure, the Verisyse IOL position, contrast sensitivity, glare sensitivity, operative complications and poor visual symptoms were observed. RESULTS: The postoperative uncorrected visual acuity and best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA) significantly improved. The BCVA≥ 0.5 or better was presented in 100% eyes and ≥ 0.8 accounted for 85% at 3 months after surgery. There was no significant increase in mean intraocular pressure at each time point in one year after surgery. The Verisyse IOL appeared to be correctly positioned in the anterior chamber in all eyes. Contrast sensitivity and glare sensitivity in all eyes increased at 3 months postoperatively as compared with those of preoperative values (best spectacle corrected). Postoperative complications included as light inflammatory deposits on the PAC IOL surface at 3 months in 2 eyes; oval pupil in 1 eye. CONCLUSION:Verisyse IOL implantation for the correction of severe myopia is effective, safe and predictable. It can be a supplement for corneal refractive surgery, but follow up is still required for the evaluation of long term results.