目的:探索一种眼科专科医师显微手术技能培训模式,使年轻的眼科医生了解并掌握眼科显微手术的基本特征、基本知识和基本技能, 以适应眼科临床工作的需要。 方法:对尚未熟练掌握眼科显微手术的本院眼科医生、进修医生和实习研究生进行眼科显微手术基础理论和操作技能培训,并建立起严格的培训制度。 结果:培训者46名基本显微手术操作比较准确和熟练,能在带教老师指导下应用手术显微镜完成翼状胬肉切除、白内障囊外摘出+人工晶状体植入术、青光眼小梁切除等手术操作。 结论:利用眼科显微手术培训平台进行显微手术技能培训,并将理论与实践相结合的这种培训模式,能达到掌握眼科显微手术操作的目的。
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AIM:To discover a microsurgery training pattern for ophthalmologists to make them grasp the basic skill and learn feature about the microsurgery during the requirement of clinical ophthalmology. METHODS: Set up a microsurgery of ophthalmology training system about the principles and operant skill for ophthalmologists of our hospital, refresher ophthalmologists and practice graduates. RESULTS: All of the 46 doctors skillfully grasped the basic skills of microsurgery. They could make some surgery such as resection of pterygium, extracapsular cataract extraction combined with intraocular lens implantation and trabeculectomy with operating microscope under the teachers guidance. CONCLUSION: Using the training system of ophthalmology microsurgery with practical operation,the doctors will grasp the microsurgery skill.