目的:增加白内障手术患者对疾病相关知识的理解和掌握程度,降低患者术前焦虑的情绪,提高患者手术时的自主配合能力,增强患者术后规避不良行为的自觉性,提高术后自护能力。 方法:将912例912眼择期行白内障超声乳化吸除术+人工晶状体植入术的白内障患者按病区分为对照组424例424眼和试验组488例488眼。对照组按照传统方法进行健康教育;试验组则采用多媒体制作幻灯片,通过宣教护士的讲解,图文并茂地向患者宣传白内障疾病的相关知识、正确的点眼方法、手术室的布局、手术的流程及步骤、术后的护理要点及注意事项等内容。 结果:两组患者在对白内障疾病相关知识的知晓程度和掌握程度、术前焦虑心理程度和术前睡眠质量、遵医行为的依从程度、规避不良行为的自觉意识程度上均有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论:应用多媒体对白内障手术患者进行健康教育,可以大大提高患者对疾病相关知识的理解和掌握程度,从而降低术前焦虑的心理状态,明显改善术前的睡眠质量;患者因对该疾病的了解,能够主动遵照医生要求,自觉避免不良行为,主动纠正不健康的行为方式和习惯,提高患者对护理服务的满意度。
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AIM:To increase the cataract surgery patients understanding extent to disease related knowledge, reduce preoperative anxiety emotions, increase patients cooperating ability during surgery;strengthen the autonomy of patients who undergo bad behavior and improve the self-conscious ability after operation. METHODS:Divided the 912 cataract patients(912 eyes) who have taken phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation(PEA+IOL) into control group 424 cases and experimental group 488 cases according to the different wards. The control group undertook traditional health education, while the experimental group used the slides, together with the nurses interpretation, explained the disease related knowledge vividly, such as how to use eye drops correctly, the operating rooms layout, operation process and procedure, the key points of postoperative nursing and matters that should pay attention, etc. RESULTS:Among these two groups of patients with cataract disease, the understanding extent to cataract related knowledge, preoperative anxiety level and sleeping quality, compliance extent to medical treatment and the self-consciousness extent of avoiding bad behaviors are statistically significant (P<0.01). CONCLUSION:The application of multimedia to cataract surgery patients for health education can greatly improve the patients understanding and mastering extent to disease related knowledge, thereby reducing preoperative anxiety and noticeably improve preoperative sleep quality. As the patients got enough understanding to this disease, they could voluntarily comply with the doctors prescription, consciously avoid unhealthy behavior; actively correct unhealthy habits, so that improve the satisfaction to the nursing services.