目的:观察二极管激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术治疗先天性小眼球合并青光眼持续性高眼压的临床效果。 方法:回顾性自身对照研究,收集2009-01/2011-01在邢台眼科医院收治的先天性小眼球继发青光眼持续性高眼压并行二极管激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术的患者5例7眼。观察手术前后视力、眼压、并发症情况,并进行统计学处理。 结果:术后随访期间全部患者眼痛症状均缓解。术前平均眼压为52.56±7.31mmHg,术后1mo平均眼压17.8±47mmHg,6mo随访时平均眼压14.18±4.53mmHg,术后1mo及6mo眼压与术前相比,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。术后平均视力(0.127±0.165)较术前(0.0334±00322)提高,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。光凝术后5眼(71.4%)视力提高,2眼(28.6%)视力无变化,术后均有前房炎症反应伴前房渗出,药物治疗后消失。 结论:二极管激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术治疗先天性小眼球合并青光眼持续性高眼压,疗效确切,可降低眼压,缓解疼痛,并发症少。
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AIM:To observe the efficacy transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation for eyes with congenital microphthalmia(CM) complicated with glaucoma persistent high intraocular pressure. METHODS:Retrospective self-controlled study. This study enrolled 5 cases (7 eyes) with CM complicated with glaucoma persistent high intraocular pressure performed transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation from January 2009 to January 2011 in Xingtai eye hospital. Pre- and postoperative visual acuity, intraocular pressure and complications were observed and analyzed statistically. RESULTS:During the follow-up all patients eye pain symptoms released. The mean preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) was 52.56±7.31mmHg. The mean IOP of postoperative 1 month was 17.8±4.7mmHg. At the follow-up of postoperative 6 months, the mean IOP was 14.18±453mmHg. There was significant statistical difference between preoperative IOP and that of postoperative 1 month and 6 months.Compared with the preoperation (00334±0.0322), the postoperative mean visual acuity (0.127±0.165) increased, there was significant statistical difference (P<0.01). There were 5 eyes(71.4%) postoperative visual acuity increased, 2 eyes (28.6%) had not changed after laser cyclophotocoagulation. All the anterior chamber had inflammation, and all disappeared after medical treatment. CONCLUSION:Transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation is a safe and effective therapeutic method to CM complicated with glaucoma persistent high intraocular pressure.