目的:探讨Medpor下睑插片和异体巩膜植入在治疗下睑退缩患者中的临床治疗效果。 方法:对26例下睑退缩患者行Medpor下睑插片或异体巩膜移植矫正下睑退缩,随访3mo,观察手术治疗效果。 结果:手术治疗后3mo,Medpor下睑插片和异体巩膜植入各有1例欠矫,其余24例下睑退缩均成功矫正,眼睑闭合正常,下睑缘位置正常,无巩膜暴露。所有病例均无感染、排斥及其它并发症。 结论:Medpor下睑插片或异体巩膜植入都能有效地矫正大多数患者的下睑退缩,手术安全性好,治疗效果较好。两者在手术效果上相比没有明显的差别。
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AIM:To investigate the clinical curative effects of lower eyelid retraction patients treated by porous polyethylene lower eyelid spacer (Medpor LES) and homologous sclera transplantation. METHODS:Twenty-six cases with lower eyelid retraction were implanted with a Medpor LES or homologous sclera. Follow-up lasted for 3 months. RESULTS:Three months after surgery the clinical results of both groups were similar. However, 2 cases treated with Medpor LES or homologous sclera demonstrated insufficient lower eyelid retraction correction. There were no significant complications associated with the use of Medpor LES or homologous sclera in this study including infection and rejection. CONCLUSION:This trial shows that the use of Medpor LES or homologous sclera in the lower eyelid was safe. A good or satisfactory final outcome in the majority of cases was verified by the two operation methods. The clinical curative effects of the two groups were not significantly different.