目的:探讨外伤性泪小管断裂患者行环形管植入并下泪小管断裂吻合的疗效。 方法:选取外伤性下泪小管断裂患者28例,显微镜直视下探针引导寻找泪小管的泪囊侧断端并环形植入硅胶管,行泪小管断裂吻合,追踪观察6mo~2a。 结果:泪道断裂修复患者28例中,手术均1次吻合成功,治愈24例(85.7%);好转3例(10.7%);无效1例(3.6%)。 结论:显微镜直视下用探针引导寻找泪小管的泪囊侧断端并环形植入硅胶管治疗泪小管断裂,方法简便,效果好。其可保持正常的泪流,不影响外观,稳定性好,操作实用方便,但应注意手术技巧。
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AIM:To discuss the curative effect of traumatic canalicular laceration treated by annular tube implantation and inferior canalicular laceration anastomosis. METHODS:Selecting 28 cases with traumatic canalicular laceration, searched for the lacrimal broken end leaded by probe under microscope and implanted the silicone tube annularly, then performed canalicular laceration anastomosis and followed up from 6 months to 2 years. RESULTS:In 28 cases with canalicular laceration restoration, all were successful through single operation. 24 cases (85.7%)were cured, 3 cases (10.7%)improved, 1 case(3.6%) had no effect. CONCLUSION:It is simple and effective of using probe under microscope searching for the lacrimal broken end and annularly implanting the silicone tube for the treatment of canalicular laceration, which can retain normal tearing, no influence on appearance, good stability, practical and convenient performing, however, the operation technique should be pay attention to.