目的:探讨伴有下斜肌功能亢进的V型斜视的临床特征及手术效果。 方法:对2009-02/2010-12我院收治的69例伴有下斜肌功能亢进的V型斜视患者行下斜肌减弱联合水平肌手术,观察手术前后眼位及斜肌功能的变化。 结果:术后眼位正位者65例(94.20%),V征消失64例(92.75%),19例(27.54%)伴代偿头位者均得到改善,15例(21.74%)患者术后行同视机训练后恢复双眼单视功能。 结论:下斜肌功能亢进是V型斜视发病的主要原因,下斜肌减弱术是治疗V型斜视的有效手术方式。
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AIM:To investigate the clinical features and results of the operations of V-strabismus with inferior oblique hyperfunction. METHODS: Totally 69 cases V-strabismus with inferior oblique hyperfunction admitted to hospital from February 2009 to December 2010 were selected to undergo the surgery of inferior oblique weakening joint horizontal muscle, to observe the changes of eye position before and after surgery as well as the oblique. RESULTS: Postoperative eye anteroposterior in 65 cases (94.20%), the V-sign disappeared in 64 cases (92.75%), 19 cases (27.54%) with compensatory head position all improved, 15 cases (21.74%) performed postoperative machine training to restore binocular vision function. CONCLUSION:The inferior oblique hyperfunction is the main cause of V-strabismus, the surgery of inferior oblique muscle weakening is an effective approach for the treatment of V-strabismus.