目的:评估眼部假性剥脱综合征(pseudoexfoliation syndrome, PXF)与感觉神经性听力丧失(sensory-neural hearing loss, SNHL)之间的关系。方法:该前瞻性病例对照研究选取2010-03/12在伊朗乌尔米耶,伊玛何梅尼医疗中心普通眼科门诊就诊的患者。常规眼科检查后,确诊为PXF的患者建议去耳鼻喉科,被选病例(纳入排除标准评估后)被推荐到听力检测科。分别在1, 2, 3 kHz对每只耳进行了纯音听阈级检测(Pure tone hearing threshold level, HTL),并将检测结果与国际标准(International Standard,ISO 7029)在1, 2, 3 kHz平均年龄相关性听力丧失(age associated hearing loss, AAHL)进行比较。结果:在1, 2, 3kHz,50例患者中21例(42.0%)HTL高于ISO 7029平均AAHL,包括男性组9例14耳,女性组12例21耳。大约12.0%的患者同时伴有青光眼,不过,PXF患者和同时伴有青光眼的患者在SNHL的患病率和严重程度上无明显差别。同年龄-性别匹配对照组相比,眼部PXF的患者SNHL更普遍(P<0.05)。结论:大部分眼部PXF患者有SNHL,与年龄-性别匹配对照组相比,可能是由于其内耳的PXF纤维造成。这些发现表明PXF可能是一个系统性疾病。
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AIM: To evaluate relationship between ocular pseudoexfoliation syndrome(PXF) and sensory-neural hearing loss (SNHL). METHODS:This prospective case-control study was designed on patients who referred to a general ophthalmic clinic at Imam Khomeini Medical Center, Urmia, Iran (March 2010 through November 2010). On routine ophthalmic examination, patients diagnosed with ocular PXF were referred to the ENT department and, selected cases (after evaluating inclusion and exclusion criteria) were referred to Audiometric Department. Pure tone hearing threshold level(HTL) was measured at 1, 2, 3 kHz for each ear and was compared with International Standard (ISO 7029) median age associated hearing loss(AAHL) at 1, 2, 3 kHz.RESULTS: Overall 21(42.0%) of 50 patients had a higher HTL than the ISO 7029 median AAHL at 1, 2 and 3kHz, which included 14 ears of 9 patients in the male group and 21 ears of 12 patients in the female group. Approximately 12.0% of patients had glaucoma at the same time, however; no significant correlation was found in SNHL prevalence and severity between PXF patients and patients with simultaneous glaucoma. SNHL was more common in patients with ocular PXF compared to their age- sex matched controls (P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Most of patients with ocular PXF had SNHL compared to their age-sex matched controls, which could be due to PXF fibrils in the inner ear. These findings suggest PXF could be a systemic disease.