目的:观察MP-1微视野检测在急性球后视神经炎的早期诊断以及随访的临床效应。方法:正常体检青年组20例40眼,急性球后视神经炎患者组45例62眼,以上人员均屈光间质透明。采用标准W-WP与MP-1微视野分别对正常体检青年组、急性球后视神经炎患者组检测。结果:显示MP-1微视野检测的视野平均光敏感度 (mean sensitivity, MS)在两组比较差值为10.3±1.10dB;MP-1微视野检测的视野平均缺损值(mean defect, MD)在两组比较差值-2.50±3.23dB,具有显著统计学差异(P<0.01);MP-1微视野对急性球后视神经炎的视功能受损的敏感度高于常规视野标准W-WP检测,特异性为90%、敏感性92%。结论:MP-1微视野比常规视野标准W-WP检测有着独特客观眼底解剖与主观定量视觉精确定位的视功能受损高度敏感的重要直观依据,在急性球后视神经炎的最早期临床诊断、治疗、预后随访评估具有独特的应用效应。
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AIM:To observe the clinical effect of microperimetry-1 (MP-1) combined microperimetry in detection of early diagnosis in acute retrobulbar neuritis.METHODS: Standard W-WP and MP-1 were used respectively on the physical examination of normal youth in 20 cases (40 eyes), 45 cases of acute retrobulbar neuritis (62 eyes) testing. RESULTS: The difference of mean sensitivity(MS) of the MP-1 detection between the two groups was 10.3 ± 1.10dB, and mean defect(MD) of visual field ofMP-1 detection; between the two groups was -2.5±3.23dB, which was with significant statistically differenct (P<0.01); the detection sensitivity of MP-1 on visual function damage in acute retrobulbar was higher than standard W-WP, specific to 90%, sensitive 92%. CONCLUSION: MP-1 has an intuitive basis of unique objective retinal anatomy and subjective quantitative highly sensitive of visual pinpoint of visual function damage than standard W-WP it has unique effect in early clinical diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of acute retrobulbar neuritis, shows that.