球后视神经炎(retrobulbar neutitis,RN)是临床常见眼病,可由诸多因素引起,一般可分为急性和慢性两类,以后者多见。急性RN发病快,病程较短,视力急剧下降,甚至无光感,部分患者转为慢性,应在早期给予及时有效的治疗,尽量避免和减少后期视神经不可逆转的损伤。现就近年来国内外关于RN的研究现状综述,以期进一步了解其病因、发病机制和治疗进展,为临床治疗提供帮助。
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Retrobulbar neutitis(RN), caused by many factors, is a common clinical eye disease, generally it can be divided into acute and chronic types, the latter type is more common. Acute RN has fast onset, short duration, and sharp decline in vision, even to no light perception, for some patients, it could even develop into chronic RN. Timely and effective treatment should be given so as to avoid and reduce the late irreversible optic damage. Now we made a review on the current domestic and foreign research situation of RN in order to make a closer understanding of its etiology, pathogenesis and treatment progress, and provide help for the clinical treatment.