目的:探讨羊膜移植联合可调整缝线在小梁切除术中的应用。方法:我院2009-01/2010-06 50例54眼的急性闭角型青光眼患者,常规小梁切除术后,巩膜瓣下放置6mm×7mm羊膜,羊膜固定于巩膜床上,巩膜瓣两角固定2针,在巩膜瓣一或两侧作1条或2条可调整缝线,在透明角膜上打结BSS形成前房。随访1.5a。结果:术后眼压探制良好,手术完全成功率48眼(89%),条件成功率4眼(7%),失败2眼(4%)。结论:羊膜移植联合可调整缝线是治疗急性闭角型青光眼的一种安全、有效的方法。
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AIM:To study the application of amniotic membrane transplantation combined with adjustable sutures in trabeculectomy. METHODS:In our hospital from January 2009 to June 2010, 50 cases(54 eyes) with acute angle-closure glaucoma after trabeculectomy were included. After conventional trabeculectomy, a 6mm×7mm amniotic membrane was placed under scleral flap on the scleral bed, scleral flap corners were fixed 2 needles. One or two sides of the scleral flap was fixed with 1or 2 adjustable sutures, knotting in the transparent cornea. BSS formed the anterior chamber. The follow-up was 1.5 years. RESULTS:The postoperative intraocular pressure was well controlled, with a success rate of 89%, conditional successful rate of 7%, failed 4%. CONCLUSION:Amniotic membrane transplantation combined with adjustable suture is a safe, effective method in treatment of acute angle-closure glaucoma.