目的:通过分析眼科住院患者中全身系统性疾病的发生情况,掌握眼病患者全身危重疾病的特点,为医疗安全提供保障。方法:对2007-06/2010-12在西安北方医院眼科住院的2 016例眼病患者中发生全身系统性危重病变(包括急性新发病变和慢性疾病急性发作)的病历资料进行回顾性分析。结果:既往有全身系统性疾病史者1644例(81.55%)。住院期间发生全身危重病变者36例(1.79%),包括循环系统疾病24例(高血压急性发病致高血压危象19例、急性心肌梗塞3例、急性低血压2例)、神经系统疾病4例(脑出血2例、急性脑梗塞2例)、消化系统疾病3例(急性胃肠炎2例、急性消化道出血1例)、泌尿系统疾病2例(尿路结石致急腹症2例)以及重症药物过敏3例。所有患者经及时治疗后全身病情好转,眼病病情稳定。结论:眼科住院患者中老年人居多,既往有全身系统性疾病史者比例高,易发生以循环系统和神经系统为主的全身危重疾病。只有高度重视对系统性危重疾病全面评估,早期诊断,妥善治疗,才能安全有效地完成眼病治疗。
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AIM:In order to assess the characteristics of severe systemic diseases in ophthalmologic inpatients in our hospital, and to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these diseases in earlier stages.METHODS:The medical records of inpatients with systemic diseases from 2016 cases in Xi' an Northern Hospital from June 2007 to December 2010 were retrospectively analyzed, which included new acute diseases and chronic diseases with acute occurrence.RESULTS:In all the 2016 inpatients, 1644 patients (81.55%) with a history of systemic disease, 36 patients (1.79%) developed severe systemic disease in hospital. The severe systemic diseases included 19 hypertensive crisis, 3 myocardial infarction, and 2 acute hypotension in circulatory system; 2 hematencephalon and 2 acute cerebral infarction in nervous system; 2 acute gastroenteritis and 1 acute gastrointestinal blooding in digestive system; 2 acute abdomen induced by lithangiuria in urinary system; and 3 severe drug allergy. After appropriate rescue, all of the inpatients with severe systemic disease were got in good conditions, without progress of their ocular diseases.CONCLUSION:With majority of senile and a history of systemic diseases, the risk of severe disease is higher in ophthalmologic inpatients. It is helpful for ophthalmologic treatment with a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and effective treatment of severe systemic diseases in early stages.