目的:探讨眼球钝挫伤后视网膜Müller细胞表达GFAP的变化规律。方法:20只兔子40眼随机分为正常对照组、挫伤组,以 3J 能量自由落体的方式制作兔眼挫伤性视网膜病变模型,于不同时段将动物麻醉致死,摘除眼球,制成病理切片用于GFAP免疫组织化学染色。图像分析系统测量视网膜GFAP表达阳性率与灰度值,并应用SPSS 12.0软件包进行统计学分析。结果:挫伤组和正常对照组视网膜内界膜下可见少许棕色阳性GFAP着色。挫伤组伤后1d,GFAP的阳性表达开始加强,随伤后时间的推移,GFAP的免疫染色已从内界膜向神经纤维层、节细胞层、内丛状层、外核层,直至神经上皮层下发展,并呈现着色加深的强阳性表达。GFAP表达的平均灰度值的统计学分析结果也显示:挫伤组和正常对照组存在统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:眼球钝挫伤后视网膜Müller细胞GFAP的表达持续增强,早期Müller细胞反应性胶质化对视网膜损伤有修复作用。
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AIM:To observe the expression of Glia fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP) in Müller cells on mild blunt ocular trauma in rabbits.METHODS:Twenty rabbits(40 eyes) were randomly divided into two groups:normal control group, contusion group. The rabbit retina was injured by 3J energy contusion caused by a free falling iron bar hitting the cornea. The eyes were enucleated at different time and made as paraffin sections for GFAP immunohistochemistry staining. The positive rate and gray scale value of retinal GFAP expression were measured with computer image analysis system, and analyzed statistically with package of SPSS 12.0 for Windows.RESULTS:There was little brown positive GFAP stain in internal limiting membrane in normal control group. The GFAP stain strengthened at the first day after contusion. As times went by, the GFAP stain went through internal limiting membrane to nerve fiber layer, ganglionic layer, inner plexiform, outer nuclear layer and neuroepithelial layer, statistical analysis of average gray scale and positive area ratio of GFAP also presented that there was statistical significance between normal control group and contusion group(P<0.05).CONCLUSION:The intensity of GFAP expression continues to grow up gradually after ocular contusion. Müller cells gliosis have recovery function in the early stage after ocular contusion.