角膜作为人体的软组织材料,具有黏弹性材料共有的应力-应变曲线、应力-松弛曲线特征及蠕变的特点,具有弹性模量、角膜滞后量(corneal hysteresis,CH)效应及剪切模量等生物力学指标。临床医生越来越重视角膜的生物力学指标与临床的相关性。眼反应分析仪(ocular response analyzer,ORA)在目前所用的角膜生物力学测量方法中最方便实用,应用范围较广,对屈光手术的评估、术后圆锥角膜、青光眼等疾病的诊断有一定应用价值。本文就目前角膜生物力学应用研究进展做一综述。
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Cornea is a soft tissue of human, it has the features of stress-strain curve, stress relaxation curve and creep. As aviscoelastic tissue, it has the biomechanical properties such as elastic modulus, corneal hysteresis(CH), shear modulus and lag effect. Nowadays, clinicians pay more attention to the correlation between corneal biomechanics and clinical application. Ocular response analyzer(ORA) is more convenient and practical than other methods in measuring corneal biomechanics, so it is widely used in clinic. For instance, assessing photorefractive keratectomy surgery, keratoconus, glaucoma and so on. The biomechanical features, development in measuring methods and clinical application are reviewed.