眼前节光学相干断层扫描(anterior segment optical coherence tomography,AS-OCT)是眼科最新应用的扫描技术。它利用相干光断层扫描获取全方位高分辨率的眼前节图像及准确的眼前节数据,包括角膜厚度数据、前房参数、晶状体和人工晶状体数据,临床应用领域于屈光不正、角膜病、青光眼和白内障等疾病中。此技术已逐渐成为眼前节疾病最主要的临床检查和治疗疗效评价方法之一。
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Anterior segment optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT)is a new kind of scanning technology. Based on coherent light scanning, it gets anterior segment histology images and precise tissue data, including corneal, anterior chamber, lens data and intraocular lens. It is applied to ametropia, corneal diseases, cataract and glaucoma. It is the main anterior segment disease clinical measurement and effective evaluation method.