目的:测定剥脱综合征性青光眼(peseudoexfoliation glaucoma,PEG)患者血清及房水一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)浓度,并探讨其在PEG发病中的作用。方法:应用硝酸还原酶法测定PEG患者(实验组)及白内障患者(对照组)血清及房水NO浓度。结果:实验组血清及房水NO浓度明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:PEG患者血清及房水NO浓度降低,可能是导致房水滤过阻力增高的原因之一。
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AIM:To measure the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in serum and aqueous humor of the peseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEG) patients and to study its possible role in the pathogenesis of PEG.METHODS:The NO concentration in serum and aqueous humor of PEG patients (experimental group) and cataract patients(control group) was detected by nitric acid reductase method.RESULTS:The NO level in serum and aqueous humorin experimental group were obviously lower than that of in control group (P<0.01) .CONCLUSION:The decrease of NO concentration in serum and aqueous humor of PEG patients may be one of reasons of filtration resistomce increase.