目的:在以往研究的基础上,运用MRI量化数椐分析帽式巩膜瓣覆盖法植入羟基磷灰石(HA)义眼座血管化情况,评价该术式的优越性。方法:回顾性分析26例眼眶内植入HA义眼座MRI表现,术后1~10mo至少行一次MRI平扫及增强检查,计算出义眼座的VE/VHA比值,VE为义眼座强化区体积,VHA为义眼座体积。结果:患者26例眼眶内植入HA义眼座均未出现手术并发症。收集到VE/VHA比值分布为术后1mo 3例,术后2mo 5例,术后3mo 5例,术后4mo 7例,术后5~10mo 6例,经统计学处理后显示前5mo HA内血管变化明显,5mo 后则不再发生变化。结论:MRI增强扫描可以精确量化观测义眼座血管化程度和范围,帽式巩膜瓣覆盖法植入HA义眼座完全血管化的时间是术后5mo左右。
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AIM:Using MRI quantitative data analysis to study the vascularization of scleral cap-style of hydroxyapatite(HA) orbital implant on the basis of past research, and to evaluate the superiority of this operation.METHODS:Retrospectively analyzed the MRI manifestation of 26 cases of intraorbital HA orbital implantation. MRI (plain and enhanced) examination were performed at least once in 1-10 months after operation, and calculated the ratio of MRI(VE/VHA). VE is the volume of enhanced area of orbital implant,and VHAis the volume of orbital implant.RESULTS:No surgical complications occurred in the 26 cases of intraorbital HA orbital implantation, with 3 cases collected after 1 month, 5 cases after 2 months, 5 cases after 3 months, 7 cases after 4 months, and 6 cases after 5-10 months. Statistic processing shows that vascularization was obvious in the previous 5 months, but unchanged 5 months later.CONCLUSION:Enhanced MRI can precisely and quantitatively observe the degree and range of vascularization of orbital implant, the fully vascularization time of scleral cap-style of HA orbital implant is 5 months after operation.