目的:探讨口服加巴喷丁用于PRK 术后的止痛效果。 方法:选择双眼行PRK 术患者88 例,所有受试者术后常 规局部使用抗菌素、激素、非甾体抗炎药,随机分组。实验 组40 例,口服加巴喷丁300mg,第1d 1 次,第2d 2 次,第 3d 3 次;对照组48 例。采用5 度疼痛评估法,即无痛0 度,轻痛1 度,中度痛2 度,重度痛3 度,严重痛4 度。记 录术后3d 期间内最高疼痛数值。 结果:疼痛调查表回收率100% 。加巴喷丁组0 度18 例 (45. 00% ),1 度18 例(45. 00% ),2 度4 例(10. 00% ),对 照组0 度18 例(37. 50% ),1 度21 例(43. 75% ),2 度4 例 (8. 33% ),3 度5 例(10. 42% )。统计学结果显示实验组 与对照组之间无统计学显著性差异(P>0. 05)。 结论:应用已有的止痛方法即可以克服大多数患者的PRK 术后的疼痛,本实验设计的口服剂量的加巴喷丁对于PRK 术后止痛作用无明显贡献。
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AIM:To evaluate the antalgic effect of oral gabapendin for postoperative pain after photorefractive keratectomy(PRK).METHODS:Prospective randomized clinical trial at 88 cases undergone PRK. In additional to a standard regimen of topical antibiotics, topical steroids, and topical non-steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) at all patients, and 40 cases as trial group taken gabapendin protocol for herpes zoster after surgery.Patients completed a maximum pain assessment survey in postoperative 5 days using a pain scale (from zero to four, means 0= no pain,1=mild pain,2=moderate pain,3=severe pain, 4=worst severe pain.). The maximum pain values of postoperative 3 days were recorded.RESULTS:The recovery rate of pain questionnaire was 100%. In gabapendin group, there were 18 cases of 0 degree(45.00%), 18 cases of 1 degree(45.00%), 4 cases of 2 degree(10.00%). In control group, there were 18 cases of 0 degree(37.50%), 21 cases of 1 degree(43.75%), 4 cases of 2 degree(8.33%)and 5 cases of 3 degree(10.42%). Welch's test and Tukey post-hoc test showed no statistic significant difference between the gabapendin groups and control group in maximum pain score(P>0.05).CONCLUSION:There was no additional contribution to PRK pain control under a postoperative standard regimen by oral gabapendin protocol in our experimental design.