结果:进行治疗的73例84眼特殊类型白内障患者中,单纯行超声乳化术27例28眼,植入后房型人工晶状体52眼,植入前房型人工晶状体4眼; 术后1mo平均眼压12.72±2.63mmHg,脱盲率99%,脱残率96%; 并发症发生率4%。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the safety and efficacy of phacoemulsification in the treatment of special types of cataract.
METHODS:Clinical data were retrospective analyzed, and the surgery essentials of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in the treatment of special type of cataract, such as cataract after glaucoma surgery, small pupil cataract, uveitis complicated cataract, and post-traumatic cataractwere researched.
RESULTS:Of the 73 cases(84 eyes)for the treatment of special types of cataract, simple phacoemulsification in 27 cases 28 eyes; posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in 52 eyes; anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in 4 eyes; average intraocular pressure at postoperative 1 month was 12.72±2.63mmHg, the off-blind rate was 99%, off-disability rate was 96%; complication rate was 4%.
CONCLUSION: The surgery for special type of cataract is difficulty, small incision phacoemulsification and retained posterior capsule combined intraocular lens implantation is the ideal surgical removal for special type of cataract.