眼睛行屈光手术后,人工晶状体(intraocular lens, IOL)度数的测量是有疑问的。屈光角膜手术后,轴向长度变化对于生物体测量的作用被认为是可以忽略不计的。行角膜屈光手术眼的生物识别错误主要是由于角膜曲率值衡量偏差造成的。生物识别错误导致白内障术后未预料的、意想不到的屈光不正,这对于病人和医生来说是一个严重的问题。在本篇病例报告中,我们描述了一位行角膜屈光手术的患者,并讨论了一些IOL度数计算的方法。
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Intraocular lens(IOL)power calculation is problematic in eyes that had refractive surgery. Role of change in axial length after keratorefractive surgery on biometric measurements is thought to be negligable. Biometric errors in eyes with previous keratorefractive surgery is mainly the result of mismeasurement of keratometric values. A biometric error leads to unplanned and unexpected refractive error after cataract surgery which is a serious problem for both patient and surgeon. In this case report we presented a patient with previous keratorefractive surgery and discussed some IOL power calculation methods.