聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)是一种有力的分子生物学工具,检测所需标本量少,耗时短,敏感性高,对于某些不典型的感染性葡萄膜炎,PCR能够在感染早期从极少量眼内液中检测出病原体的复制数量,提高诊断的效率。与传统的血清学抗体检测、病原微生物培养相比,PCR在辅助诊断方面表现出更大的优势。
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As a powerful molecular biological tool,polymerase chain reaction(PCR)can detect pathogens in intraocular fluids at the early stage of infectious uveitis cases. It takes tiny amount of samples, short examination duration with high detective sensitivity and specificity. PCR detection of pathogens is superior to routine diagnostic approaches such as serological antibody detection and pathogen culture. It provides a potential method in early diagnosis of infectious uveitis and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy.