结果:患者31眼中术后视力提高24眼,术前无光感12眼中术后视力不变2眼,光感2眼,手动3眼,指数4眼,1眼恢复为0.1; 6眼球内异物的异物取出率为100%,炎症控制好; 18眼复杂视网膜脱离,15眼成功复位,视网膜复位率为83%; 14眼外伤性白内障或晶状体脱位,玻璃体手术后12眼行人工晶状体植入术,晶状体植入率为86%。
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AIM: To investigate the clinical efficacy of vitrectomy combined with other surgical treatment of severe ocular trauma.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 30 cases 31 eyes with severe ocular trauma treated with vitrectomy from January 2011 was performed.
RESULTS: Of the 31 eyes, postoperative visual acuity improved in 24 eyes, and of the 12 eyes with preoperative visual acuity of no light perception(NLP), 10 eyes had improved visual acuity after surgery, included 2 eyes with light perception, 3 eyes with hand movement, 4 eyes with finger counting, and one had best-corrected visual acuity recovered at 0.1; intraocular foreign bodies in 6 eyes were successfully extracted, the extraction rate was 100%, endophthalmitis were well controlled; 18 eyes with complicated retinal detachment, 15 eyes obtained successfully reset, the retinal reattachment rate was 83%; 14 eyes with traumatic cataract or lens dislocation, after vitrectomy, 12 eyes underwent intraocular lens(IOL)implantation, and the IOL implantation rate was 86%.
CONCLUSION: Severe ocular trauma included preoperative eyes with NLP, appropriate vitrectomy combined with corresponding treatment measures can maximize the retention in patients with eye and save the patient's visual function.