方法:对136例长期视屏终端接触的青年干眼症患者进行临床调查,包括常见症状(眼干、视疲劳、异物感等),泪膜破裂时间(BUT)、SⅠt试验。共发放136 份问卷,有效问卷130份,有效率95.6%。将130例随机分组,治疗组65例应用人工泪液(泪然),3次/d,1滴/次。对照组65例口服四环素,2次/d, 250mg/次,连续服用3mo。
结果:常见症状依次是: 眼干燥异物感(治疗组89.2%、对照组80.0%)、灼热感(治疗组33.9%、对照组30.8%)、视疲劳(治疗组72.3%、对照组67.7%)、视物模糊(治疗组30.8%、对照组35.4%)、眼痛(治疗组24.6%、对照组21.5%); 两组无显著性差异。治疗前后两组BUT、SⅠt试验存在明显统计学差异。
结论:视屏终端综合征(video display terminals,VDT)是引起青年干眼症的主要原因,局部使用人工泪液组明显优于口服四环素组。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the prevalence factors of dry eye syndrome in youth video terminals workers, and to explore the efficacy of artificial tear for the treatment of dry eye syndrome.
METHODS: Totally 136 cases with dry eye syndrome due to long-term video terminal contacts were clinically investigated, including common symptoms(dry eye, visual fatigue, foreign body sensation etc.), breaking-up time(BUT), Schirmer test. Then 130 cases were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Treatment group 65 cases were treated by artificial tears, 3 times a day, one drop each time. Control group 65 cases were treated with oral tetracycline 250mg, twice a day, continuous for 3 months.
RESULTS: Common symptoms: dry eye and foreign body sensation(89.2% in the treatment group, control group 80.0%), burning sensation(33.9% in the treatment group, control group 30.8%), asthenopia(treatment group 72.3%, control group 67.7%), blurred vision(30.8% in the treatment group, control group 35.4%), eye pain(therapy group, 24.6% control group 21.5%); the two groups had no significant difference. Before and after the treatment, the two experiments of BUT and Schirmer had significantly statistical difference.
CONCLUSION: Video display terminals(VDT)is the main reason for youth dry eye syndrome. Local artificial tears using is significantly better than oral tetracycline.