方法:对3 000例准备行激光角膜屈光手术的近视患者进行关于要求手术原因的问卷调查,并对所有患者例行术前检查,分析患者要求手术的原因和其中349例检查后放弃手术的原因。
结果:患者要求手术的原因依次为:为了顺利通过升学、择业或入伍等体检(47.60%); 为运动、美观、舒适性等考虑而自身不愿戴镜,占46.80%; 由于近视度数过大或严重屈光参差而不便戴镜(4.40%)。3 000例患者中未能最终行手术者349例,占11.63%,因心理因素及社会因素放弃者116例(33.24%); 各类手术禁忌证233例(66.76%)。
结论:激光角膜屈光手术术前可根据患者手术原因更有针对性地加强医患沟通; 术前检查应详细认真,严格掌握手术的适应证及禁忌证,确保手术安全; 医务工作者有责任对广大近视患者普及近视预防、治疗的相关知识,使患者能正确选择治疗方法。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the reasons for myopic patients choosing laser corneal refractive surgery and for who giving up finally.
METHODS: A questionnaire on reasons for choosing laser corneal refractive surgery was completed by 3 000 myopic patients. Then all these patients underwent a routine preoperative examination. The reasons for these myopic patients choosing laser corneal refractive surgery and for who giving up finally were analyzed.
RESULTS: The reasons for the 3 000 myopic patients choosing laser corneal refractive surgery were as follows: in order to pass the entrance examination of enrollment or employment, accounted for 47.60%; for sports, appearance and comfort, accounted for 46.80%; inconvenient to wear glasses due to excessively high myopia or anisometropia, accounted for 4.40%. In the 3 000 patients, 349 patients gave up operation finally, accounted for 11.63%, due to psychological or social factors in 116 patients(33.24%)and all kinds of contraindication for laser corneal refractive surgery in 233 cases(66.76%).
CONCLUSION: Doctor can strengthen the doctor-patient communication according to the reasons for patients choosing laser corneal refractive surgery. Preoperative examination should be detailed and strict for indications and contraindications to ensure the operation safety. Doctors are responsible for publicizing knowledge of myopic prevention and treatment, so that patients can choose treatment method correctly.