结果:在25眼中,其中1眼术中进行人工晶状体的更换,1眼术后第3d人工晶状体向下发生严重脱位,进行了人工晶状体的更换,2眼人工晶状体发生轻微移位,余21眼未发生人工晶状体移位; 术后1mo矫正视力0.8~1.0者8眼,0.5~者14眼,0.2者1眼(合并有糖尿病视网膜病变),23眼均未发生人工晶状体明显移位; 术后6mo随访的15眼均未发生人工晶状体明显移位。
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AIM:To evaluate how to deal with the intraocular lens(IOL)with broken loop during surgery.
METHODS: The ways how to deal with the IOL with broken loop during the surgery of twenty-five patients twenty-five eyes from March 2006 to May 2011 were reviewed and summarized: one way was that IOL with broken loop were implanted into capsules(twenty-three eyes), another way was that IOL with broken loop were replaced in surgery or after operation(two eyes).
RESULTS: From the twenty-five eyes, one IOL with broken loop was replaced in surgery, one IOL with broken loop was replaced the third day after operation because of the serious dislocation downwards, the rest were on their locations; one month after operation eight eyes had best-corrected visual acuity with spectacles of 0.8-1.0, fourteen eyes were 0.5-0.8, only one eye was 0.2(combining with diabetic retinopathy), all were on their locations; six months after operation fifteen eyes were on their locations.
CONCLUSION: Most of IOLs with broken loop would neither dislocate nor affect the increase of visual acuity if they are implanted to suitable location in capsule, it is one of choice to deal with the emergency.