结果:所有患者术中未出现任何并发症,术后观察3~12mo,除术前已无光感的1例患者外,其余均有明显的视力提高,其中视力0.5以上者5例,0.3~0.5者4例, 0.1者1例。眼压:10~18(平均14)mmHg。前房、瞳孔、眼底改变均恢复正常。
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AIM: To observe the results of the real-time localized suturing reattachment operation for traumatic ciliary body detachment.
METHODS: Preoperatively the eyes were examined by slit lamp three mirror contact lens examination and ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM). During the operation, real-time localization was used to identify the scope and position of ablatio corporis ciliaris. All of the 11 cases underwent the improved saturation.
RESULTS: During the follow-up of 3-12 months, visual acuity was improved in all the other patinets except the one with preoperative visual acuity of no light perception, visual acuity>0.5 in 5 cases,0.3-0.5 in 4 cases and 0.1 in one case. Intraocular pressure(IOP)was 10-18mmHg. Shallow anterior chamber, deformed pupil and changes of the fundus were all recovered.
CONCLUSION: Real-time localization with the improved saturation is a useful, effective and safe method to treat traumatic ablatio corporis ciliaris.