目的:探讨硬性透氧性角膜接触镜(rigid gas-permeable contact lenses,RGP)治疗成人高度屈光不正性弱视的疗效。
结果:患者戴镜前屈光度球镜-14.90±4.95D,散光-2.59±1.60D,框架眼镜最佳矫正视力平均4.64±0.16。首次配戴RGP后最佳矫正视力为4.79±0.17,经配对t检验,差异具有显著统计学意义(t=-8.999,P<0.01); 配戴1,3,6mo后,矫正视力保持稳定,未见下降,视觉质量满意。镜片配适良好,未见角结膜严重并发症。
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AIM: To evaluate the clinical effects of rigid gas-permeable contact lenses(RGP)for adults with high ametropic amblyopia.
METHODS: Twenty-six adults 49 eyes with high ametropic amblyopia were selected to wear RGP. These adults were followed up for 6 months, and the curative effect was retrospectively analyzed.
RESULTS: The corrected visual acuity of these eyes with RGP was 4.79±0.17, better than that with spectacles(4.64±0.16). The result was statistically significant(P<0.01, t-test). After 1, 3 and 6 months, there was no decrease in the corrected visual acuity with RGP. In general, the patients felt comfortable and no serious complications occurred within follow-up period.
CONCLUSION: RGP has good therapeutic effect and it is a safe and effective method for providing better optic corrections and better corrected visual acuity in treatment of high ametropic amblyopia in adults.