结果:从FFA来看,Matrigel 40μL和20μL组从7d起出现荧光渗漏,14d和28d逐渐增强; 10μL组14d和28d出现荧光渗漏,5μL组一直未见明显荧光素渗漏。从眼底情况来看,7d时大部分注射部位的视网膜已贴附回去,仅个别眼出现局限性视网膜脱离,Matrigel 40μL组个别眼视网膜增殖明显,造成牵拉性视网膜脱离。因白内障或玻璃体混浊无法进行眼底彩照和造影多出现在Matrigel 40μL组。从组织病理学观察,小血管和/或幼稚纤维组织增生多见于Matrigel 40μL和20μL组。但Matrigel 40μL组视网膜损伤明显。
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AIM:To build up the model of experimental choroidal neovascularization(CNV), for preparing the further pharmacodynamics experiment.
METHODS:The method of subretinal injection of Matrigel on grey rabbits was used to build up the model of experimental CNV. Fundus examination, FFA, choroidal flat mount and pathological changes were measured to choose the best dose and injecting technique of Matrigel.
RESULTS: In the FFA examination, the fluorescence leakage was happened in Matrigel 40μL and 20μL groups at 7 day, which was enhanced at 14 day and 28 day; the fluorescence leakage was happened in Matrigel 10μL group at 14 day and 28 day,which was never found in Matrigel 5μL group. In the fundus examination, most of retinas were attached back at 7 day; a few of those were detached. A few of retina had proliferative detachment in Matrigel 40μL group. Cataract and vitreous muddy were found in Matrigel 40μL group. In the tissue pathological examination, small vessels and/or immature fibrous tissues were found in Matrigel 40μL and 20μL groups. The retinal injure was most severely in Matrigel 40μL group.
CONCLUSION: The method of subretinal injection of Matrigel could create CNV successfully, 20μL is the best dose.