方法:在我院门诊确诊的弱视儿童41例68眼,其中男17例29眼,女24 例39眼,年龄4~16(平均8.29±3.05)岁,按照弱视类型分为斜视性弱视组4例7眼,屈光参差性弱视组11例11眼,屈光不正性弱视组26例50眼。弱视治疗内容包括激光治疗、CAM训练、红光闪烁、立体视训练、电脑中频脉冲治疗。治疗前后分别对患者进行裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、图形视觉诱发电位(pattern visual evoked potential, P-VEP)、同时视、融合视及立体视检测。
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AIM:To discuss the change of stereopsis and pattern visual evoked potential(P-VEP)in amblyopia before and after the treatment.
METHODS: According to the type of amblyopia, forty-one patients(68 eyes)were divided into strabismic group(7 eyes of 4 patients), anisometropic group(11 eyes of 11 patients)and ametropic group(50 eyes of 26 patients). Uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity, P-VEP, simultaneous perception, range of fusion and stereoacuity were examined before and after the treatment, which including laser therapy, CAM training, red light flashing, stereoacurity training and IF-pulse treatment of computer.
RESULTS: Before the treatment, the abnormal rate of simultaneous perception and range of fusion were both 51.2%, while stereoacuity was 80.5%, which means stereoacuity was damaged most commonly in amblyopia. Visual acuity was improved after the treatment: cure rate was 63%; progress rate was 31%; total efficiency rate was 94%.There was a statistical difference between ametropic group and strabismic or anisometropic group in term of efficiency rate. Stereopsis was significantly promoted(P<0.01)and the P100 latency was significantly shortened(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: After the treatment of amblyopia, visual acuity and stereopsis were both promoted and the P100 latency was shortened.