结果:术后3mo,两组视力均有提高,观察组视力<0.3者5眼(20%),0.3~0.6者7眼(28%),>0.6者13眼(52%); 对照组视力<0.3者6眼(24%),0.3~0.6者8眼(32%),>0.6者11眼(44%),两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组瞳孔呈圆形,且有对光反射者22眼(88%),对照组7眼(28%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01); 所有患者均未见明显术中术后并发症。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe clinical results of pupil adhesion in operation on complicated cataract with uveitis by use of pupil flange ring excision method.
METHODS: Fifty patients 50 eyes with pupil adhesion due to complicated cataract with uveitis were selected and divided into observation group and control group, with 25 eyes in each group. Patients of two groups received phacoemulsification intraocular lens(IOL), in the observation group pupil flange ring excision method was adopted to treat pupil adhesion or seclusion, while in the control group blunt separation was used.
RESULTS: Patients' visual acuity of two groups both enhanced three months after operation. In observation group, there were 5 eyes with visual acuity less than 0.3(20%), 7 eyes between 0.3-0.6(28%), and 13 eyes greater than 0.6(52%). In control group, 6 eyes less than 0.3(24%), 8 eyes between 0.3-0.6(32%), and 11 eyes greater than 0.6(44%), the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05). However, there were 22 eyes(88%)with circular pupil and light reflex in observation group, while in control group it was 7 eyes(28%), the difference showed statistical significance. Of all patients, no apparent intraoperative and postoperative complications were recorded.
CONCLUSION: In the operation on complicated cataract with uveitis, application of pupil flange ring excision can effectively resolve the ‘small pupil' problem, ensure safe execution of phacoemulsification, achieve satisfactory postoperative vision and bring about sound pupil formation.