结果:在患儿81例83眼中,眼眶损伤15眼(18%),占位病变56眼(67%),其他病变12眼(14%); 占位病变中炎性病变3眼(4%),囊肿14眼(17%),原发肿瘤19眼(23%),继发肿瘤19眼(23%),其他占位病变1眼(1%)。良性病变47眼(57%),恶性病变21眼(25%),眼外伤15眼(18%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the etiology characteristics of orbital disease in children.
METHODS: Totally 81 cases, 83 orbits with orbital disease were reviewed retrospectively. First, the prevalence situation was statistically classified. Then, the prevalence situation of orbital disease and new characteristics was analyzed.
RESULTS: Injuries of the orbit were found in 15 of 83 orbits(18%), space-occupying lesions were 56 orbits(67%),the others were 12 orbits(14%). In the space-occupying lesions, there were 3 orbits with inflammation(4%), 14 orbits with cyst(17%), 19 orbits with primary tumor(23%), 19 orbits with secondary tumor(23%), 1 orbit with the others(1%). 47 orbits were benign lesion(57%), 21 orbits were malignancy lesion(25%), 15 orbits were injuries of the orbit(18%).
CONCLUSION: The benign lesions are predominant in children patients with orbital disease, injuries of the orbit were worth to attention in clinic.