方法:将59例60眼翼状胬肉患者,随机分为A,B两组,A组27例27眼行翼状胬肉单纯切除; B组32例33眼行翼状胬肉扩大切除联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植,比较两组复发率、角膜创面愈合时间、术后泪膜恢复情况。
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AIM: To observe and evaluate the clinical effect of pterygium extended excision with corneal limbal stem cells autograft transplantation.
METHODS: Fifty-nine patients(60 eyes)with pterygium were randomly divided into 2 groups: group A accepted simple pterygium excision in 27 patients(27 eyes); group B accepted pterygium extended excision with corneal limbal stem cells autograft transplantation in 32 patients(33 eyes), then the recurrence rate, epithelial healing time of postoperative wound on cornea, and tear function were compared.
RESULTS: All the patients were followed up for 15-25(18±3.6)months, 8 eyes(30%)recurred in group A and 2 eyes(6%)in group B, the average epithelial healing time of postoperative wound of group B was shorter than that of group A, the tear film break-up time prolonged, there were statistical significant differences between two groups.
CONCLUSION: It is effective and safe that pterygium extended excision with corneal limbal stem cells autograft transplantation. It has low recurrence, causes less discomfort, take less time and helps wound surface to heal quickly.