睫状体脱离是眼科手术、眼部钝挫伤及内眼疾病常见的并发症,最常表现为视力下降、持续性低眼压、前房变浅及患眼屈光状态改变等。低眼压可导致视盘充血水肿、视网膜缺血、黄斑放射状皱褶; 持续低眼压可引起角膜营养不良、晶状体混浊(即白内障)等,给患者造成不可逆的视力损害,严重者甚至可导致眼球萎缩。对于睫状体脱离最主要的是早诊断、早治疗,减少其并发症的发生。B超、UBM及前节OCT的出现,为较小的睫状体脱离的发现创造了条件,大大提高了睫状体脱离的早期诊断率,提前了睫状体脱离发现的时间,增加了诊断的准确性。近年来,国内外学者对睫状体脱离治疗的研究与探索也有较大的进展。
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Cyclodialysis is a common complication of ophthalmic operation, eye blunt injury and other eye diseases. The most common clinical manifestations are vision loss, resistant low intraocular pressure,shallow anterior chamber and refractive status change,et al. Low intraocular pressure can lead to optic disc hyperaemia and edema, retinal ischemia and macular edema, if sustained low, it may cause corneal dystrophy and cataract et al and lead to irreversible visual impairment. Some serious patients may appear eye atrophy. Diagnosis and treatment on early stage are very important to reduce the complications. As the emergence of B-scan ophthalmological ultrasound, ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM)and anterior segment-optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT), some small scale of cyclodilysist can be found in the early period, and the accuracy of diagnosis increases. With the research and exploration in recent years, the treatment of cyclodialysis has made a lot of progress.