正常角膜在多种因素共同作用下处于稳定的“血管赦免”状态而保持角膜的透明性,这也是角膜发挥正常生理功能的基础。然而一系列临床疾病的病理过程中,角膜血管生成因子和抑制因子的平衡被打破,角膜血管化开关开启。角膜新生血管(corneal neovascularization,CNV)常引起并加重角膜混浊和角膜移植排斥反应,是重要的致盲原因之一。近年来,随着免疫学、分子生物学和药理学的发展,对CNV的认识有很大突破,本文重点对CNV的形成机制以及治疗研究进展加以综述。
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Normal cornea is in stabile angiogenic privilege statement with many factors' effects, which is also the basement for cornea to maintain normal physiology functions. However, angiogenesis forms the pathophysiological basis of some disease. Because the balance between cornea angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors is broken and corneal neovascularization(CNV)switch turned on. CNV usually causes and aggravates corneal clouding and corneal graft rejection. It is one of the reasons leading to blindness. In the recent years, with the development of immunology, molecule biology and pharmacology, there are a lot of break on the cognition of CNV. This review mainly discusses corneal neovascularization mechanism and the therapeutic advance of CNV.