方法:随机整群抽样,选取长期往返于北京与拉萨之间的京藏线列车某一车组全体行车人员,选择去程不同海拔点T1(200m)、T2(2 500m)和T3(4 500m)及返程R1(4 500m)、R2(2 500m)作为监测点进行眼压监测,同时检测血压、血氧饱和度、心率。采用方差分析和Pearson相关进行统计学分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
结果:眼压在海拔超过2 500m以后,与低海拔(200m)所测值存在显著差异(P<0.05),海拔4 500m与其他各点眼压差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各监测点的眼压水平与血氧饱和度、心率、收缩压和舒张压均无显著相关性(P>0.05)。
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AIM:To dynamically monitor staffs' intraocular pressure(IOP)on Beijing-Tibet trains at different altitude, and explore the effect and cause of altitude change on the population's IOP.
METHODS: The whole staffs in a set who travelled between Beijing and Lasa were selected randomly, with the height of T1(200m), T2(2500m)and T3(4500m)on approaching and R1(4500m), R2(2500m)on back tracking as monitoring sites for IOP test. Blood pressure, plasma oxygen saturation and heart rate were recorded. Variance analysis and Pearson correlation were applied for statistical analysis, with P<0.05 indicating statistically significant difference.
RESULTS: There was dramatically significant difference between IOP tested at the altitude above 2500m and the lower altitude(200m)(P<0.05), and significant difference between IOP tested at the altitude of 4500m and other monitoring sites(P<0.05). There was no dramatic correlation between IOP and plasma oxygen saturation, heart rate, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION:IOP of train staffs on highland fluctuates as rise of altitude, and it could be increased by high latitude, as may be correlated with low air pressure, change of the biological parameter of eyeball and systemic reaction to high altitude anoxia.