方法:采用随机整群抽样方法抽取张家口市赤诚县18个乡镇180个行政村3 981例50岁以上农村居民进行以人群为基础的横断面调查。受检对象进行裂隙灯、生活视力及眼前节照相等眼科检查并对翼状胬肉形成情况进行分期及分级。
结果:选取3 981例受检对象中资料完整者3 494例,受检率为87.77%,其中发现翼状胬肉患者280例,患病率为8.01%; 男性翼状胬肉的患病率(10.11%)明显高于女性翼状胬肉的患病率(6.97%)(χ2=10.335,P=0.001),差异有统计学意义。80岁以下患者中,翼状胬肉的患病率随着年龄的增高逐渐增加,差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.949,P=0.001)。280例387眼中需手术治疗者297眼(76.74%)。
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AIM: To investigate the prevalence and population distribution of pterygium in rural aged population in Chicheng County of Zhangjiakou City and provide the basis for the regional prevention and treatment of pterygium.
METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional study. 3 981 rural residents aged more than 50 years old from 18 towns 180 villages in Chicheng County of Zhangjiakou City were selected by cluster randomized sampling. All subjects were taken slit lamp, life vision, external ocular and funds photos, stages and grades of pterygium were made based on the examinations.
RESULTS: A total of 3 494 subjects participated in the survey with the response rate of 87.77%. The number of pterygium was 280 with the prevalence 8.01%; the prevalence in male(10.11%)was significantly higher than female(6.97%), the difference was statistically significant(χ2=10.335,P=0.001), the prevalence of pterygium was elevated as the increase of age under 80 years, the difference was statistically significant(χ2=15.949,P=0.001). Of the 280 cases 387 eyes, 297 eyes needed surgical treatment, accounted for 76.74%.
CONCLUSION: Pterygium is a common ocular disease in rural aged population in Chicheng County of Zhangjiakou City. Different gender and age groups have different prevalence rate of pterygium. The percentage of surgical treatment is high.