方法:取新鲜尸体猪眼130眼,随机均分A,B,C,D及对照组共5组,每组再分为2小组,每小组各13只。其中A和B组为透明质酸酶(hyaluronidase, HA)组,分别于玻璃体腔内注射终浓度为200,800U/mL的HA 0.1mL; C和D组为软骨素酶(chondroitinase, CA)组,分别于玻璃体腔内注射终浓度为10,50U/mL的CA 0.1mL; 对照组玻璃体内注射磷酸缓冲盐(PBS)0.1mL。各组的眼球分别在37℃下水浴15min和30min后取出,经4%戊二醛和自配视网膜固定液固定,行石蜡切片苏木素-伊红染色检查、基底部扫描电镜检查及透射电镜检查,观察基底部玻璃体视网膜情况。
结果:病理检查显示,大体标本和切片均见基底部玻璃体有部分液化、降解; 扫描电镜显示,CA 50U/mL组和HA 800U/mL组均可见基底部玻璃体与对照组相比有显著减少; 透射电镜显示,实验组(B,C,D组)各组玻璃体视网膜界面残余纤维较对照组明显减少。
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AIM: To investigate the ultrastructure of the basal vitreo- retina interface in enucleated pig eyes after vitreous injection of enzymes.
METHODS:Totally 130 eyes were obtained from freshly slaughter pigs and divided into 5 groups. Each group was sub-divided into the 15 minutes group and the 30 minutes group, with 13 eyes in each group. The control group were performed middle vitreous injection of 0.1mL PBS, 200U/mL and 800U/mL hyaluronidase(HA)were injected in groups A and B, 10U/mL and 50U/mL chondroitinase(CA)in groups C and D. After incubation for 15 minutes and 30 minutes, the eye balls were fixed with 4% glutaraldehyde and retina fixative solution. Pathological examination, eosin-hematoxylin staining, scan electron microscopy were taken to evaluate the remaining vitreous on vitreous base, transmission electron microscopy to evaluate retina toxicity.
RESULTS:Both of gross appearance and hematoxylin+eosine slice all revealed basal vitreous partially liquefied and degradation. Remarkably decrease was found in basal vitreous than the control group both in the HA 800U/mL group and the CA 50U/mL group when using electron microscopy scanning. Transmission electron microscopy in group B, C and D revealed the remaining vitreous were less than the control group.
CONCLUSION: Both CA and HA can cause basal vitreoretinal detachment in enucleated pig eyes. But the HA may cause less damage to the retina.