目的:观察糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)患者脉络膜供血血管的血流动力学变化,探讨DM患者脉络膜循环的改变及其与DR发生、发展的关系。
方法:采用彩色多普勒显像技术(color Doppler flow imaging, CDFI)检测DM患者45例90眼及对照组15例30眼的眼动脉(ophthalmic artery, OA)、颞侧(posterior ciliary artery, PCA1)及鼻侧睫状后动脉(PCA2),记录所有动脉的收缩期峰值血流速度(peak systolic velocities, PSV)、舒张末期血流速度(end diastolic velocities, EDV)及阻力指数(resistive index, RI),利用统计学分析不同时期的DM患者与对照组间球后血管血流动力学参数差异。
结果:非糖尿病视网膜病变(no diabetic retinopathy, NDR)和非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变(nonprolifrative diabetic retinopathy, NPDR)与增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变(prolifrative diabetic retinopathy, PDR)组的OA和PCA的血流动力学参数均较正常人有不同程度的变化,且病情越重,改变越明显。
结论:本研究从血流动力学角度证明了DM脉络膜循环的改变, CDFI技术可以精确评价DM患者球后血管的血流状态,对DM患者脉络膜病变的早期诊断具有重要意义。
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AIM: To investigate diabetic choroidal hemodynamics in order to provide valuable theories for preventing and treating diabetic retinopathy(DR)and make compensation for the ocular disease of diabetes mellitus(DM).
METHODS: Color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI)was used to quantitate peak systolic velocity(PSV), end diastolic velocity(EDV)and resistence index(RI)of the ophthalmic artery(OA), the temporal posterior ciliary artery(PCA1), and nasal posterior ciliary artery(PCA2), in the control group(15 patients)and 45 DM patients. Statistic software was used to analysis the hemodynamic parameters.
RESULTS: Relative to the control, the EDV, PSV and RI have changed in non-diabetic retinopathy(NDR), non- proliferative diabetic retinopathy(NPDR)and proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR), and the differences are more evident according to the severity of DR.
CONCLUSION: We conserved the choroidal circulatory properties of DM. CDFI is very valuable to evaluate the hemodynamic changes in diabetic eyes, and has important significance in the early impression of diabetic choroidopathy.