结果:选取 377眼白内障超声乳化手术中,有23眼发生晶状体后囊破裂,发生率为6.1%,术后视力≥0.3者17例(73.9%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the causes and disposal of posterior capsule rupture of the lens in phacoemulsification for cataract.
METHODS: A total of 326 cases(377 eyes)with cataract were selected and underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. The causes of 23 cases(23 eyes)who suffered posterior capsule rupture were analyzed.
RESULTS: Posterior capsule rupture occurred in 23 eyes(6.1%)during the operation; 17 cases with visual acuity≥0.3(73.9%).
CONCLUSION: It is necessary to know the dangerous factors of posterior capsule rupture and avoid the incidence. If noticed early, the complications can be reduced and the visual acuity can be improved as well.